General Information
This channel was created to give everyone a place where they can be themselves without
worrying about rules and such. Like any other channel, however, we do have a few
basic ones to make being in our channel a pleasurable experience:
- No co-channeling with: family/animal/teensex and pedo (child) channels - password
channels - rape/killing channels - hacker channels or racist/bigotry channels.
The script we have in our channel continually scans even after entry; you will be
kicked by Your_Knight without exception.
- Racism and bigotry in ANY form will not be tolerated. Respect one and all
- if that's too much for you, please consider looking for another channel. Disruptive
behavior exhibits a lack of respect for other persons and will earn a ban.
- Bashing of any kind is not appropriate and will earn an immediate ban.
- Websites cannot be posted in the channel directly. All links need to be approved
by an op, and the op will post them into the channel. The channel is monitored
for website addresses and an automatic kick with a 5 minute ban will occur should
one be detected.
- We don't mind controversial topics being discussed in the channel - but do it respectfully.
Don't let them dissolve into personal attacks. Attack IDEAS, comments, thoughts
- not PEOPLE.
- We don't mind MP3 playing into the channel, but please turn off the grabs in your
MP3 program. Also, fileservers need to be turned off in the channel; if anyone
wants to get a file (MP3, etc) from you, please handle that in PM.
- A note about plussing. Plusses are given to the female gender only. This means
that cross dressers and transvestites (male to female) will not receive a plus.
Transgender, male to female will receive a plus as they're gender is or is becoming
- Private conversations are to remain private. Pasting PMs or other private conversations
to the channel WILL get you banned.
- Advertizing for other channels is spam and will earn a ban of the individual doing
the advertizing. It will also cause the channel being advertized to be added
to the list of channels for which co-channeling is not permitted. Should you
get kicked for being in another channel, you can be assured that an op or channel
founder violated this DALNet rule. For those who think this is harsh, try
advertizing a channel in someone elses channel when an op is there and active.
We will not accept blame for the actions of others
And on one more note: The channel may seem cliquish to people at times, but please
remember that everyone has known each other in the channel for some time. It's easy
to get to know everyone - just participate. In this channel, you get what you give.
Make it a point to get to know everyone before making your judgments about everyone.
All submissions to the website become the property of bbw^sensually and it's founder.
Aside of that - have fun! - If you have any questions, you can always ask any of
the ops, or send your queries to
If you are new to IRC, there are several chat clients you can use. Of the ones we
recommend, mIRC is the best one out there. It's easy for newcomers to use. Go to and download it; once you've installed it and set it up, double-click
on the mIRC icon on your desktop. When it opens, a sign-on box will appear; just
make sure your nickname and e-mail address is in, and click on "Connect to IRC Server"
(if you're coming on to Dalnet, make sure the window just above that has "Random
DALnet Server" in it). It will sign you on from there. Once you're on, though, there
are some commands you need to know.
------ Basic IRC commands you need to know:
(Don't add the stars * when you're typing them out)
Registering your nick: /nickserv REGISTER *password* *email address*
Identifying to your nick on sign-on: /nickserv IDENTIFY *password*
Joining a channel: /join #channelname - in our case, it's #bbw^sensuallysexy
Parting a channel: /part #channelname
Finding a list of BBW channels: /list bbw (No #)
In the channel:
Action: /me *text* - That will show what you're doing: if you want to smack someone
around a bit, type /me smacks *nick* around a bit.
Ignoring someone: /ignore *nick*
- We strongly advise using this command if there is chat in the channel that is
bothering you, or in PMs if someone is harrassing you. The ops cannot kick or ban
anyone for something that is being done in PMs.
There are a multitude of other IRC commands you can use, but the basic ones are
there. For more useful information on IRC etiquette, you can go to
- that site is chock full of information that is easy to understand. :-)
*** As some of you know, the channel has been under attack by spambots recently.
Changes were made to the Your_Knight bot and the following have been added to the
list of banned channels:
klsex, manilasex, sexmelayu, gimsex, sexoperu, limasex, ircsexy, netmeetingsex,
We are aware that some of our regulars DO go into netmeetingsex and we apologize
for the inconvenience, but because of the sheer number of spambots that have been
in that channel, it will remain in the Your_Knight bot until Andy knows it's safe
to take it out. If you are someone that has been banned because of that channel,
please e-mail Andy at to let him know.
The spambots have been disruptive not just to our channel, but to other Dalnet channels
as well. We apologize for the disruptions, but Andy is working as fast as he can
to minimize the spam in the channel. Please bear with us.
Your_Knight commands
Utility and Information commands
Get a list of bot commands
Get your plussie
Guys don't have plussies!
Get radio info (Currently unavailable)
Display a notice about respect
Get a list of channel rules
Get the channel webpage URL
Have bot do a whois on <nick>
Have bot do a whois on the channel
Fun commands
<nick> <type>
Get <type> of beer for <nick>
<nick> <item>
Bitchslap someone with the item
Get a blindfold
Get some bread
Get <type> of candy
Get a pair of handcuffs
<nick> <type>
Get <type> of drink for <nick>
<nick> <item>
Deliver a <item> to <nick>
Send a hug to <nick>
Send a kiss to <nick>
Get a lapdance for yourself
Send a lapdance to <nick>
Give a lick to <nick>
Have <item> modeled for you
Pay for something with <what>
Have a Pepsi
Pickup <nick>
<nick> <item>
pimpslap someone with the item
Get a pizza with <toppings> on it
Send a snuggle to <nick>
Gets a smartass response
- Andy([-Andy-]/Your_Knight) and Nikki (miznic/THATbitch/puss-n-boots)
Comments, suggestions, submissions?
Please email