Download Peace & Protection. This will automatically unzip to the standard mIRC folder.
Once downloaded and unzipped, type /load -rs script\first.mrc
mIRC will restart, so you will be taken off IRC.

Peace & Protection 4.22

Click Here for configuration information.

Your_Knight commands
Utility and Information commands
noneGet a list of bot commands
!femalenoneGet your plussie
!malenoneGuys don't have plussies!
!radiononeGet radio info (Currently unavailable)
!respectnoneDisplay a notice about respect
!rulesnoneGet a list of channel rules
!urlnoneGet the channel webpage URL
!whois<nick>Have bot do a whois on <nick>
!whoisnoneHave bot do a whois on the channel
Fun commands
!beer<nick> <type>Get of beer for <nick>
!bitchslap<nick> Bitchslap someone with the item
!blindfoldnoneGet a blindfold
!breadnoneGet some bread
!candy<type>Get of candy
!cuffsnoneGet a pair of handcuffs
!drink<nick> <type>Get of drink for <nick>
!deliver<nick> <item>Deliver a to <nick>
!hug<nick>Send a hug to <nick>
!kiss<nick>Send a kiss to <nick>
!lapdancenoneGet a lapdance for yourself
!lapdance<nick>Send a lapdance to <nick>
!lick<nick>Give a lick to <nick>
!model<item>Have modeled for you
!pay<what>Pay for something with
!pepsinoneHave a Pepsi
!pickup<nick>Pickup <nick>
!pimpslap<nick> pimpslap someone with the item
!pizza<toppings>Get a pizza with on it
!snuggle<nick>Send a snuggle to <nick>
noneGets a smartass response
Ops only commands
<nick> <reason>Ban <nick> for 5 minutes (give reason)
!ban10<nick> <reason>Ban <nick> for 10 minutes (give reason)
!ban15<nick> <reason>Ban <nick> for 15 minutes (give reason)
!ban30<nick> <reason>Ban <nick> for 30 minutes (give reason)
!ban60<nick> <reason>Ban <nick> for 60 minutes (give reason)
!pban<nick> <reason>Ban <nick> till ban manually lifted (give reason)
!uban<nick> <reason>Ban unregistered <nick> (give reason)
!black<nick> <reason>blacklist/kick/ban <nick> (give reason)
!unblack<nick>Remove <nick> from the bot blacklist
!op<nick|me>Op <nick> or yourself "me"
!dop<nick|me>Deop <nick> or yourself "me"
!v<nick>Voice <nick>
!dv<nick>Devoice <nick>
!statusnoneShow script status to all ops
!why<nick>Check why <nick> was banned
!addwhy<nick> <reason>Add why <nick> was banned
!wbot<on|off>Turn on/off the weather script (currently unavailable)

Comments, suggestions, submissions?
Please email Webmaster

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